Erb’s Palsy Law Firm

Erb’s palsy law firms specialize in helping birth injury victims take legal action for brachial plexus injuries. These firms fight to secure financial compensation from negligent medical professionals that can help pay for your child’s care and prevent the health care worker from harming other children. Learn more about how an Erb’s palsy law firm may be able to help your family.

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Why Take Legal Action?

By filing an Erb’s palsy lawsuit, you can seek financial compensation to provide your child with the care they need to live their best life.

Results Secured

  • $5 million for a family in Connecticut
  • $2 million for a North Carolina family
  • $1.8 million for a family in Texas Icon

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What Is an Erb’s Palsy Law Firm?

An Erb’s palsy law firm is a type of birth injury law firm that specializes in helping families who are caring for a child with Erb’s palsy.

These law firms have two main goals — recovering the maximum amount of compensation for their clients and pursuing legal justice on their behalf.

While most cases of Erb’s palsy are mild and heal on their own, severe cases often require surgery and years of expensive physical therapy. Erb’s palsy lawyers understand the financial strain and emotional toll of raising a child who has experienced a birth injury.

An Erb’s palsy law firm may be able to help prove that your child’s condition was preventable and recover money you can use to provide the quality care they deserve.

Settlements in these cases differ depending on specific facts and the severity of the injury. However, it is not unusual for an Erb’s palsy settlement to be worth $1 million or more.

Chat with our case managers today to learn more about your legal options. We’ll connect you with an experienced Erb’s palsy law firm if you qualify.

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Erb’s Palsy Law Firms Can Identify Medical Malpractice

Erb’s palsy is a brachial plexus injury. The brachial plexus is the group of nerves in the shoulder that communicates signals from the spinal cord to the arm and hand.

Medical mistakes during childbirth often cause Erb’s palsy. When physicians use excessive force to deliver a baby or fail to use equipment properly, they may be guilty of medical malpractice.

Examples of medical malpractice that can cause Erb’s palsy include:

  • Failing to provide a necessary C-section in a timely manner
  • Not properly addressing shoulder dystocia (when a baby’s shoulders get stuck behind the pubic bone during delivery)
  • Pulling too hard on a baby’s head and neck while the shoulders pass through the birth canal
  • Tugging on a newborn’s feet during a breech (feet-first) delivery
  • Using medical equipment such as forceps or vacuum extractors incorrectly
  • Yanking on a baby’s shoulders during a head-first delivery

Doctors are trained to deliver a baby without causing damage to the head or neck. A newborn’s head and neck are especially vulnerable, and trauma during a difficult delivery can cause brain and nerve damage.

When trusted medical professionals deviate from the standard of care and harm a newborn, they should pay the price for their negligence. An experienced Erb’s palsy lawyer can help you seek justice for your child.

How an Erb’s Palsy Lawsuit Can Support Your Child

A mother reviews her case with a lawyer at an Erb's palsy law firmA child’s birth should be a time of joy and celebration. However, when a child develops Erb’s palsy during the birthing process, parents may find themselves worrying about unexpected medical bills and what the future holds for their young one.

An Erb’s palsy law firm can handle all aspects of your birth injury lawsuit during this taxing time to help ease the stress you may be experiencing. As a result, you will have more time for what is most important — caring for your injured child.

The law firm will strive to get your family the maximum compensation available to pay for your child’s care. Pursuing legal justice can also hold those responsible for your child’s injury accountable.

Compensation from an Erb’s palsy claim can help you pay for:

  • Assistive devices
  • Lost wages for missed work
  • Medical expenses
  • Occupational therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Surgery
  • Other related expenses

While no amount of money can erase your child’s pain, compensation can help you afford the quality care your child deserves.

What to Look for in an Erb’s Palsy Law Firm

Searching for the right law firm to represent your family can be overwhelming. While there are more than 400,000 law firms in the United States, not all firms are equipped to handle your Erb’s palsy case and get the results your family deserves.

Attorneys who specialize in Erb’s palsy caused by medical malpractice have the resources and knowledge necessary to successfully bring your case to court.

When you are interviewing Erb’s palsy law firms, it is a good idea to look for these qualities:

  • Experience: A law firm that specializes in Erb’s palsy lawsuits and other birth injury cases will have years of experience.
  • National reach: National Erb’s palsy law firms accept clients across the country and are familiar with the specific laws in each state.
  • Resources: It takes more than a good lawyer to win complicated birth injury cases. Top Erb’s palsy law firms will have a network of medical experts they can contact to strengthen a case and prove that a medical professional’s error was preventable and caused your baby’s brachial plexus injury.
  • Successful results: For people with lasting nerve injury damage, winning a settlement can be life-changing. The best Erb’s palsy law firms will have a history of successful case results that reflect the extent of each child’s injury.
  • Client testimonials: Past clients can speak to their attorney-client relationship and leave reviews that can help you get a feel for the law firm and whether they are a good fit for you.

Our team at can connect you with an experienced Erb’s palsy law firm if you qualify. Call (888) 726-9160 now to get started.

Filing an Erb’s Palsy Lawsuit With the Help of a Law Firm

Once you hire an Erb’s palsy law firm, the firm will put together a legal team to handle your lawsuit. Your team will walk you through the legal process and keep you informed every step of the way.

An Erb’s palsy law firm can help you take action by:

  1. Providing a free case review: The Erb’s palsy law firms in our network offer free legal consultations to determine if you are eligible to file a lawsuit and inform you of your legal options.
  2. Gathering crucial evidence: Your attorneys will look through medical records, consult with birth injury experts, and gather eyewitness testimony to look for evidence that your doctor did not provide adequate care.
  3. Negotiating a settlement: An Erb’s palsy lawyer will negotiate a settlement with the defendant(s) on your behalf.
  4. Arguing your case at trial: If a settlement is unable to be reached, both sides will present their case before a judge or jury. The judge or jury will then deliver an Erb’s palsy verdict.

In most cases, Erb’s palsy law firms prefer to settle cases instead of taking them to court. When a case settles, parents have quicker access to settlement money to help pay for their child’s care.

It can take years for a case to make its way to trial. And, no matter how strong your case, trials are risky. However, an experienced Erb’s palsy attorney will represent you at trial if a settlement amount cannot be agreed upon.

Erb’s Palsy Law Firm Settlement Amounts

Erb’s palsy settlement amounts vary based on a number of different factors, including the severity of your child’s injury, their estimated medical costs, and the extent of the negligence that caused their injury.

Your Erb’s palsy law firm will review the facts of your situation during a free case evaluation and provide you with a possible settlement range for your case.

Average Erb's Palsy Settlement Amount

The average payout for a birth injury claim involving a child less than 1 year old is more than $1 million.

Compensation secured by Erb’s palsy law firms in our network includes:

  • $4.5 million to the family of a child in Illinois
  • $2.75 million for a family from Pennsylvania
  • $1.99 million to the family of a child in New York
  • $975,000 for a 6-year-old child

Your legal team will always fight to get you the most amount of compensation possible.

Reach out to us today to learn if you are eligible to pursue an Erb’s palsy settlement with the help of one of our partner law firms.

Get Help From an Erb’s Palsy Law Firm Near You

If your family has been impacted by Erb’s palsy, an Erb’s palsy law firm can help you seek justice and financial compensation.

Law firms specializing in birth injury lawsuits have the experience and resources needed to handle an Erb’s palsy birth injury case. They are also better equipped to recover the maximum amount of compensation available for their clients.

Negligent medical professionals who harm patients should be held accountable — and families left caring for an injured child should get the support they need to provide care.

If you are ready to fight for your child’s future, contact now at (888) 726-9160 for a free case review.

Erb's Palsy Law Firm FAQs

When should I hire an Erb’s palsy law firm?

You should contact an Erb’s palsy law firm as soon as possible. Erb’s palsy lawsuits are time-sensitive and must be filed within a time period set by the statute of limitations.

These laws vary from state to state and limit the amount of time you have to file a claim. Deadlines can be as short as one year, and once they pass, you will not be able to file a lawsuit for your child’s injury.

What can I expect from an Erb’s palsy law firm?

An Erb’s palsy law firm can handle your case from start to finish.

This includes:

  • Gathering evidence
  • Filing a lawsuit before any deadlines
  • Negotiating a settlement
  • Arguing your case in court if a settlement is unable to be reached

You can also expect an Erb’s palsy law firm to understand the stress and emotional toll of raising a child with significant health needs. In addition to legal advice, your law firm will be able to provide you with access to medical resources and emotional support during this stressful time.

How much do Erb’s palsy law firms cost?

The Erb’s palsy law firms that are part of our network at work on a contingency-fee basis, which means the firms do not charge any upfront or out-of-pocket fees.

Instead, you only pay a percentage of any money the firm recovers through a settlement or a verdict. If the firm is not successful in securing compensation on your behalf, you don’t have to pay anything.

This fee arrangement gives all families access to top legal representation regardless of their financial resources.

How long do Erb’s palsy lawsuits take?

Every lawsuit is different, which means it is difficult to say how long a case will take from complaint to resolution. However, Erb’s palsy lawsuits typically take anywhere from a few months to a few years to resolve.

Erb’s palsy law firms and their clients usually prefer settlements because they provide clients with quicker access to much-needed money. Taking a case to court and pursuing an Erb’s palsy verdict often takes much longer.

Call (888) 726-9160 or fill out our contact form now to speak with one of our compassionate case managers about filing an Erb’s palsy lawsuit. Icon

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  1. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. “Erb’s Palsy (Brachial Plexus Birth Palsy).” Retrieved from:–conditions/erbs-palsy-brachial-plexus-birth-palsy. Accessed on July 21, 2023.
  2. Johns Hopkins Medicine. “Brachial Plexus Injury.” Retrieved from: Accessed on July 21, 2023.
  3. The Doctors Company. “Study of Malpractice Claims Involving Children.” Retrieved from: Accessed on July 21, 2023.
  4. The National Law Review. “Law Firm Specialization: Why It Matters.” Retrieved from: Accessed on July 21, 2023.
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If you or someone you love has suffered an injury as a result of someone else’s negligence, please complete our form for a free case review. You may be eligible for compensation.

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