Asbestos Lawsuit

If you or a loved one has mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease, you may be able to file an asbestos lawsuit and seek financial compensation from the companies that made you sick. Most asbestos lawsuits settle for over $1 million, without the victim or their family ever having to go to court. See if you may be eligible to file an asbestos lawsuit right now.

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Why Take Legal Action?

By filing an asbestos lawsuit, you can pursue financial compensation and justice from the companies that caused you or a loved one harm.

Results Secured

  • $8 million for a plumber and pipefitter from Texas
  • $6.8 million for a Florida mechanic
  • $4.14 million for a welder and U.S. Air Force veteran Icon

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Amy Garrett

Fact-Checked and Legally Reviewed: Amy E. Garrett

What Is an Asbestos Lawsuit?

An asbestos lawsuit is a legal complaint brought by a mesothelioma patient or their family against asbestos product manufacturers. Many of these companies knew about the dangers of asbestos for decades, but they hid this information from the public.

By taking legal action, asbestos victims can pursue compensation to help pay for potentially life-extending medical treatments and safeguard their family’s financial future.

An asbestos lawsuit also forces asbestos companies to take accountability for their actions and pay the price for putting profits above people.

Most asbestos lawsuits end in out-of-court settlements that award more than $1 million on average.

If you were harmed by asbestos exposure, you deserve to be compensated for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, and more.

The asbestos attorneys in the network have secured over $9.4 billion for families whose lives have been turned upside down following a mesothelioma diagnosis.

Get a free case review to see if one of our legal partners can help you file an asbestos lawsuit and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Can I File an Asbestos Exposure Lawsuit?

You may be able to file an asbestos lawsuit if you:

  • Have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, lung cancer, or another asbestos-related disease
  • Are the spouse or child of the person diagnosed
  • Are an estate representative of the asbestos victim

Your lawsuit must establish that your diagnosis was caused by asbestos exposure and identify which asbestos-containing products you were exposed to.

Even if you don’t know where, when, or how you were exposed to asbestos, you may still be able to file a lawsuit and get compensation.

The mesothelioma law firms that works with have resources they can use to identify the products that made you sick and the companies that manufactured and distributed them.

Not sure if you can file an asbestos lawsuit? Chat with one of our case managers for free to find out more about your legal options.

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Types of Asbestos Lawsuits

Asbestos lawsuits fall under the category of product liability lawsuits, as they generally allege that an asbestos-containing product made a person sick or caused their death.

The two most common types of asbestos lawsuits are:

  1. Personal injury lawsuits, which are filed after a person has been diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease and is still alive.
  2. Wrongful death lawsuits, which are brought by a family member or estate representative after the death of a loved one.

If an asbestos victim passes away while their personal injury lawsuit is pending, a family member or estate representative can continue the lawsuit on their behalf.

Compensation from an asbestos lawsuit after death can help pay for a loved one’s medical bills, funeral expenses, pain and suffering, and more.

A note about asbestos class action lawsuits

An asbestos class action lawsuit may seem like the ideal way to seek compensation for asbestos-related diseases. After all, millions of people have gotten sick from asbestos products. However, class action lawsuits for asbestos are almost never filed today because they are unlikely to award victims as much compensation as other types of suits.

Benefits of Asbestos Exposure Lawsuits

When a person is diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease, everyone in their life is affected. Asbestos lawsuits allow families to pursue compensation that can make life a little easier when a loved one is sick.

Benefits of asbestos lawsuits include:

  • Getting compensation: A successful lawsuit can provide your family with financial compensation they can use to help pay for medical bills, basic living expenses, and more. While health insurance may cover some treatment costs, you may have to pay out-of-pocket for co-pays and other expenses like traveling to a cancer center to get treatment.
  • Replacing lost wages: You probably won’t be able to work while undergoing treatment for mesothelioma. Family members may also miss time from work as they provide care or travel with you while you get treatment.
  • Holding asbestos companies accountable: Many asbestos companies knew about the dangers linked to their products since as early as the 1930s. However, they chose to keep quiet to continue making money. An asbestos lawsuit forces them to pay the price for the harm they caused you and your family.
  • Securing your family’s future: Many mesothelioma patients take comfort in knowing that their family will be provided for after their passing. Asbestos lawsuits award over $1 million on average — a life-changing sum for many families.

Asbestos companies knowingly placed millions of innocent people in danger. A lawsuit is one way for affected families to get justice and compensation for the pain and suffering they’ve endured.

How Much Does an Asbestos Lawsuit Cost?

Almost all asbestos law firms work on a contingency fee basis, meaning there are no up-front or out-of-pocket costs to file a lawsuit.

The law firm only gets paid if your lawsuit is successful and results in compensation. In these instances, they will keep a previously agreed upon percentage of the compensation to cover the costs of the lawsuit.

If a lawsuit doesn’t result in a payout, you don’t have to pay anything — so there’s no financial risk to taking legal action.

This type of fee arrangement gives every family equal access to justice, regardless of their financial status.

How to File an Asbestos Cancer Lawsuit

While every asbestos lawsuit is unique, most follow the same basic process.

1. Get a Free Case Review

The key to a successful asbestos lawsuit is having an experienced lawyer by your side. can connect you with a top asbestos lawyer if you have a case. Get a free case review right now to see if you can work with one of the skilled lawyers in our network.

2. Collect Evidence

Your asbestos lawyer will quickly put together a legal team that will start gathering evidence showing how and when you were exposed to asbestos. They will also identify the asbestos products that made you sick and the companies that made them.

The asbestos law firms that we work with have access to warehouses full of information that they can use to help prove an asbestos exposure claim.

3. File an Asbestos Lawsuit

Your attorney will file your lawsuit in the court that is most likely to result in the best outcome. This could be the state where you live, the state where you were exposed, or the state where the asbestos company is based.

Your asbestos attorney will also make sure that your case is filed before the statutes of limitations, which are state laws that limit how much time you have to take legal action.

As your lawsuit proceeds through the justice system, your legal team will keep you updated and be available to answer any questions you may have.

4. Fight for Maximum Compensation

Your legal team will try to get you the most amount of compensation possible as quickly as they can.

Most asbestos lawsuits end in settlements, which means families can access money without ever having to enter a courtroom.

However, if the companies responsible for your illness refuse to settle for a fair amount, your lawyer will present your asbestos case in court and fight to get you the maximum compensation available under the law.

Asbestos Lawsuit Settlement and Verdict Amounts

The average asbestos lawsuit settlement is between $1 million and $1.4 million, according to Mealey’s Asbestos. If a case does go to court, the average asbestos verdict is between $5 and $11.4 million.

The asbestos law firms in our network have secured over $9.4 billion in settlements and trial verdicts for families affected by mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.

Some of our legal partners’ results are listed below:

  • $250 million verdict for a steelworker with mesothelioma
  • $60 million verdict for a California laborer diagnosed with mesothelioma
  • $40 million verdict for a U.S. Navy veteran with mesothelioma
  • $5.2 million settlement for a roofer from Florida
  • $4 million settlement for a Los Angeles teacher with mesothelioma
  • $3.8 million settlement in a secondhand exposure case

Asbestos settlements are typically preferred over trial verdicts because they are less risky and typically result in quicker payouts, giving families access to compensation in as few as 90 days.

Get a free consultation to see if you can work with an experienced mesothelioma lawyer and pursue an asbestos settlement.

What Is the Statute of Limitations on Asbestos Claims?

Asbestos statutes of limitations are laws that limit how long asbestos victims and their families have to file an asbestos lawsuit.

These deadlines vary by state and can be different for personal injury and wrongful death claims. The clock usually starts ticking on the date of diagnosis in personal injury cases and on the date of death in wrongful death cases.

In most states, people have 2 to 3 years to file an asbestos lawsuit. However, the statute of limitations is as short as 1 year in some states.

To prevent the statute of limitations from expiring, it’s best to contact an asbestos lawyer as soon as possible. They can take a look at the facts of your case and explain how long you have to file a lawsuit.

Even if you think that the statute of limitations may have passed in your case, it’s still a good idea to consult with an experienced attorney. They may be able to file your asbestos lawsuit in a state with a longer deadline or find other ways for you to access compensation.

Mesothelioma Lawsuit Alternatives

An asbestos lawsuit is not the only way that victims of asbestos exposure and their families can get compensation.

Asbestos lawsuit alternatives include:

  • Asbestos trust funds: If any of the asbestos companies responsible for causing you harm has declared bankruptcy, you may be owed money they set aside for victims. Today, there’s over $30 billion in these bankruptcy trusts, which can be accessed without going to court.
  • VA claims: About 1 in 3 Americans with mesothelioma are veterans. Veterans who were exposed to asbestos while serving their country are often eligible for veterans benefits through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

In some cases, asbestos victims are entitled to lawsuit compensation, asbestos trust fund money, and VA benefits.

Contact our case managers right now at (866) 447-8466 to see which of these options you may be eligible for.

Get Help With a Lawsuit for Asbestos Exposure

Finding out that you have an asbestos-related disease can be devastating, especially when you realize that it could have been prevented if asbestos companies hadn’t acted out of greed.

By filing an asbestos lawsuit, victims can seek money to help them during this uncertain time and hold these corporations accountable.

Our legal partners have secured over $9.4 billion for families affected by asbestos. They never charge any upfront fees and can help victims in all 50 states.

Get a free case review to see if they can help you get the justice and compensation you deserve from an asbestos lawsuit.

Asbestos Cancer Lawsuits FAQs

Can I sue for asbestos exposure?

Yes, you may be able to sue for asbestos exposure if you have been diagnosed with an asbestos-related illness like mesothelioma or lung cancer. Relatives or estate representatives of someone who has passed away from an asbestos disease may also be able to file a lawsuit.

Asbestos lawsuits are filed against the companies that manufactured asbestos-containing products and put millions of Americans in harm’s way.

A mesothelioma attorney can tell you whether you may be eligible to file an asbestos lawsuit and explain the legal process to you.

Can I file an asbestos claim after the death of a loved one?

Yes, you may be able to file an asbestos lawsuit after a family member has died from mesothelioma or another asbestos disease. An asbestos wrongful death lawsuit seeks compensation from the asbestos product manufacturers that put your loved one at risk and caused them to fall ill.

Compensation from a successful mesothelioma case can help pay for the victim’s medical bills, funeral expenses, pain and suffering, and more.

How long can you claim for asbestosis?

In most states, people have several years to file a lawsuit for asbestosis. The exact time limit is specified by the statute of limitations in the state where the lawsuit is filed. In most states, this deadline is 2-3 years from the date of diagnosis.

An asbestos attorney can explain the deadline that applies to your case.

What is the average asbestos settlement?

The average asbestos lawsuit settlement is between $1 million and $1.4 million. However, many lawsuits have settled for much more.

Some asbestos settlements secured by our legal partners include:

  • $13.1 million for a carpenter with mesothelioma
  • $10 million for a boiler tender with mesothelioma
  • $4.14 million for a U.S. Air Force veteran and welder

Get a free case evaluation to see if you may be able to pursue an asbestos settlement.

Amy Garrett

Fact-Checked and Legally Reviewed: Amy E. GarrettPartner

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  • Editor

Amy Garrett is a partner at Simmons Hanly Conroy with more than 22 years of litigation experience. Amy has helped the firm secure billions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for clients. Over the past two decades, she has gained a reputation as a litigator who advocates for her asbestos and complex litigation clients both inside and outside the courtroom. Icon

Written by: makes it easier to take legal action. We have information, lawsuit guides, and breaking news about drugs, products, and other issues that could affect you.

  1. American Bar Association. “When You Need a Lawyer.” Retrieved November 28, 2023, from
  2. Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO). “The Irrefutable Fact: Over 40,000 American Workers Died from Preventable Asbestos-Caused Diseases in 2019.” Retrieved November 28, 2023, from
  3. Bates, C. E., & Mullin, C. H. “Asbestos: Show Me The Money.” Retrieved November 28, 2023, from
  4. Hensler, Deborah R. “Asbestos Litigation in the United States: A Brief Overview.” Retrieved November 28, 2023, from
  5. Judicature. “Going, Going, But Not Quite Gone. Trials Continue to Decline in Federal and State Courts. Does it Matter?” Retrieved November 28, 2023, from
  6. LexisNexis News. “Mealey’s Litigation Report: Asbestos.” July 30, 2021. Retrieved November 28, 2023, from
  7. Web M.D. “Asbestos Exposure: The Brief History You Probably Didn’t Know” Retrieved November 28, 2023, from
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