Erb’s Palsy Lawyer

Erb’s palsy is a condition often caused by a health care professional’s mistake during a child’s birth. This condition can leave families with unexpected medical bills as they seek treatment for their child’s injury. An Erb’s palsy lawyer can help you take legal action and pursue compensation so you can provide your child with the care and justice they deserve.

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Why Take Legal Action?

By filing an Erb’s palsy lawsuit, you can seek financial compensation to provide your child with the care they need to live their best life.

Results Secured

  • $5 million for a family in Connecticut
  • $2 million for a North Carolina family
  • $1.8 million for a family in Texas Icon

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What Does an Erb’s Palsy Lawyer Do?

Preventable birth injuries caused by a health care professional are a form of medical malpractice. By working with an Erb’s palsy lawyer, victims and their families can sue hospitals or medical professionals for negligence that resulted in their injuries.

An Erb's palsy lawyer discusses a case with a client

An Erb’s palsy lawyer can assess the cause of your child’s brachial plexus injury and determine if you are able to move forward with a legal claim against those responsible.

Your lawyer will do the heavy lifting, so you can focus on getting your child the treatment they need to recover.

Erb’s palsy lawyers can:

  • Provide a free case evaluation to determine if your child’s birth injury may have been caused by medical negligence
  • Investigate your case to identify when, where, and how the birth injury happened
  • Calculate how much you are owed by creating a life care plan for your child based on current and projected medical expenses
  • Negotiate a settlement with the defendant’s lawyers
  • Present your case at trial if a settlement is unable to be reached

Your legal team will also offer support, guidance, and advice throughout the entire lawsuit process.

If your child was injured by a medical mistake, an Erb’s palsy lawyer can help you pursue compensation for treatment and other expenses. Get started with a free case review.

Why Should I Hire an Erb’s Palsy Attorney?

Erb’s palsy can lead to nerve damage that has lifelong effects. Unlike other types of attorneys, Erb’s palsy lawyers have experience handling these complex birth injury cases — and they give you the best chance at recovering maximum compensation.

Erb’s palsy law firms tend to have registered nurses on staff who can talk with you about whether medical negligence is to blame for your child’s condition.

Medical mistakes that can cause Erb’s palsy include:

  • Excessive force used to pull on a newborn
  • Failure to perform a cesarean section (C-section) when necessary
  • Improper use of forceps, vacuum extractors, or other medical instruments

Additional reasons to consider hiring an Erb’s palsy attorney include:

  • A lifelong financial plan for your child: Damage to the brachial plexus nerves can lead to complete paralysis of the affected arm. This is life-changing and can affect your child’s future. A lawyer can help you seek damages that account for this impact.
  • Accountability for medical negligence: Health care providers may pull on the baby’s shoulders or the baby’s head while in the birth canal during difficult deliveries, leading to Erb’s palsy. Lawyers can help you bring negligent medical professionals to justice and prevent them from harming other children.
  • Awareness of Erb’s palsy birth injuries: Many symptoms of Erb’s palsy are present during the delivery, such as limpness in the baby’s arms. A lawyer can help you seek a settlement that sets a precedent for a standard of care in the hospital where your baby was delivered.

If your baby was born with Erb’s palsy, reach out to one of our case managers to learn how an Erb’s palsy lawyer in our network may be able to help your family. We have registered nurses on staff who can help prove medical malpractice.

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How an Erb’s Palsy Lawyer Can Help

If your child’s Erb’s palsy was the result of medical negligence or medical malpractice, you may benefit from hiring a lawyer who can help you file a lawsuit.

Caring for a child with Erb’s palsy can be expensive and emotionally taxing. It can also mean missing work while unexpected medical bills pile up.

Erb’s palsy lawyers may be able to help you recover money for:

  • Assistive devices
  • Lost earnings
  • Medical bills
  • Pain and suffering (from emotional distress or nerve injury damage)
  • Therapy
  • And more

If your baby’s Erb’s palsy is due to a medical mistake made during labor or delivery, you may have a legal claim. Lawsuits are often filed against the doctor, hospital, and/or other health care workers responsible for your child’s injury.

An Erb’s palsy attorney with ample experience in birth injury cases will help identify the party or parties responsible, collect any evidence, and file a claim on your behalf. Get started right now with a free case review.

Qualities of a Top Erb’s Palsy Attorney

Choosing an Erb’s palsy lawyer is an important decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Who you choose will likely impact the success of your case and the amount of compensation you receive.

When selecting an Erb’s palsy lawyer, look for an attorney with the following qualities:

  • Experience: Erb’s palsy cases are complicated, and lawyers with years of experience fighting for families like yours can improve your chances of winning your case.
  • National reach: Some lawyers work for national Erb’s palsy law firms. These firms can handle birth injury cases across the country.
  • Access to resources: Top Erb’s palsy lawyers have access to resources like registered nurses on staff and medical experts that can help prove Erb’s palsy medical malpractice took place.
  • No upfront or hourly fees: The best Erb’s palsy lawyers take cases on a contingency fee basis, which means they get paid by taking a small percentage of the client’s settlement or verdict award. You pay nothing if they do not win your case.
  • Proven track record: Erb’s palsy attorneys who have won cases similar to yours are best positioned to recover money for you. Ask about the results they have achieved for past clients.

Erb’s Palsy Lawsuit Settlements

The value of an Erb’s palsy settlement is in large part determined by the expected cost of care over your child’s lifetime.

Working with an experienced Erb’s palsy lawyer can improve your chances of winning your case and maximize the potential compensation you may receive.

Notable Erb’s palsy settlements recovered by the law firms within our network include:

  • $5 million for a Connecticut family
  • $4.5 million for the family of a child in Illinois
  • $2.75 million for a Pennsylvania family
  • $2 million for the family of a child in North Carolina

Numerous factors can affect how much your individual brachial plexus injury lawsuit may be worth, like the cost of your child’s medical bills and the severity of their injury.

An Erb’s palsy lawyer can determine how much your case may be worth.

To get started with a free evaluation of your Erb’s palsy claim, call (888) 726-9160 now.

Get Help Finding a Top Erb’s Palsy Attorney

If your child has been affected by Erb’s palsy due to medical negligence, our experienced network of Erb’s palsy lawyers is here to help.

The birth injury lawyers we work with understand the physical, emotional, and financial challenges associated with Erb’s palsy, and they are dedicated to fighting for your rights and seeking the compensation you deserve.

The lawyers in our network also recognize that each case is unique, and they tailor their approach to suit your specific circumstances.

Our network of Erb’s palsy lawyers has a deep understanding of birth injury law, meaningful resources, and a track record of success. Contact us today for a free case review.

Brachial Plexus Injury Lawyer FAQs

How long will an Erb’s palsy lawyer take to settle my case?

The length of time it takes to settle your Erb’s palsy birth injury claim will depend on a number of factors.

Some Erb’s palsy cases resolve in a few months, while others may take a year or longer. In general, if your case settles out of court, it will resolve sooner. Erb’s palsy lawsuits that go to court often take longer to resolve.

What should I look for in an Erb’s palsy attorney?

The best Erb’s palsy lawyers will have a number of qualities that point to their skill and experience level.

Some qualities of a reputable Erb’s palsy lawyer include:

  • A solid track record with proven case results
  • No upfront fees or out-of-pocket costs
  • Resources like experienced nurses on staff
  • Years of experience handling birth injury cases

How much do Erb’s palsy lawyers charge?

The best Erb’s palsy lawyers do not charge any out-of-pocket expenses. This means you do not pay anything unless you win. If you win your case, your Erb’s palsy lawyer will take their fee out of the money they recovered for you.

When should I call an Erb’s palsy law firm?

If you suspect your child’s Erb’s palsy was caused by medical negligence, you should seek help from a birth injury lawyer as soon as possible.

The statute of limitations are laws that vary by state and limit how long you have to file an Erb’s palsy lawsuit.

Our team at can help you find an Erb’s palsy lawyer if you qualify. Call (888) 726-9160 or fill out our contact form now to take the first step toward justice. Icon

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  1. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. “Erb’s palsy (brachial plexus birth palsy) – orthoinfo – AAOS.” April 2019. Retrieved July 14, 2023, from–conditions/erbs-palsy-brachial-plexus-birth-palsy
  2. Chater, M., Camfield, P., & Camfield, C. “Erb’s palsy – who is to blame and what will happen?” October 2004. Retrieved July 14, 2023, from
  3. Cleveland Clinic. “Erb’s palsy: What is it, symptoms, causes & treatment.” Retrieved July 14, 2023, from
  4. Kane, S. “What a personal injury lawyer does.” The Balance Careers. October 2, 2018. Retrieved July 14, 2023 from
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If you or someone you love has suffered an injury as a result of someone else’s negligence, please complete our form for a free case review. You may be eligible for compensation.

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