Asbestos Law Firm

An asbestos law firm helps those with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases pursue compensation from the companies that made them sick. The best asbestos law firms have decades of experience and resources that can help them maximize payouts for their clients. See if can connect you with a top firm to get you the money and justice you deserve.

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Why Take Legal Action?

By filing an asbestos lawsuit, you can pursue financial compensation and justice from the companies that caused you or a loved one harm.

Results Secured

  • $8 million for a plumber and pipefitter from Texas
  • $6.8 million for a Florida mechanic
  • $4.14 million for a welder and U.S. Air Force veteran Icon

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Amy Garrett

Fact-Checked and Legally Reviewed: Amy E. Garrett

What Is an Asbestos Law Firm?

Asbestos law firms are staffed by lawyers and support personnel who fight for compensation and justice on behalf of asbestos victims and their families. They do this by filing asbestos lawsuits, trust fund claims, and more.

Manufacturers of asbestos-containing products knew of the hazards related to asbestos, but they hid the risks to keep making money. As a result, millions of innocent Americans were exposed to asbestos, and many developed asbestos-related diseases like mesothelioma and lung cancer.

An asbestos law firm can even the playing field for families affected by asbestos by using its wide array of resources to take on negligent asbestos companies and hold them accountable for the harm they’ve caused.

These resources can help a firm prove asbestos exposure, even when a victim isn’t sure how they were exposed.

In most cases, eligible families are able to secure compensation without ever stepping inside a courtroom when they work with a top asbestos law firm. has partnered with some of the top asbestos law firms in the country to help victims get the compensation they deserve. These firms have recovered over $9.4 billion on behalf of families affected by asbestos.

Get a free case review right now to see if one of the asbestos law firms in our network can help you get justice.

Benefits of Working With an Asbestos Law Firm

An asbestos law firm has one main goal — helping victims of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases and their families access maximum compensation as quickly as possible.

This singular focus allows them to provide a better experience and success rate for their clients.

Advantages of working with a top asbestos law firm include:
  • Free case reviews to determine whether you’re eligible to take legal action
  • Attorneys on staff with decades of experience in asbestos litigation
  • Extensive knowledge of mesothelioma and other asbestos diseases
  • No upfront or hourly fees
  • Offices across the country to serve clients in all 50 states
  • On-staff nurses who can help clients navigate treatment
  • Relationships with leading experts who can strengthen a case
  • Resources to help prove asbestos exposure and identify the companies responsible

This comprehensive support can provide families with peace of mind as they deal with a mesothelioma diagnosis and pursue legal action.

Can I Work With an Asbestos Law Firm?

You may be eligible to work with an asbestos law firm if:

  • You’ve been diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease like mesothelioma or lung cancer
  • You’re a family member of someone who has passed away from an asbestos disease
  • You’re the estate representative of an asbestos victim

An asbestos law firm can help those who qualify take legal action and pursue compensation for their injuries. Money can be used to pay for medical bills, lost wages, living expenses, and more.

However, you only have a limited amount of time to work with an asbestos law firm and seek compensation.

State laws called statutes of limitations set a deadline as to how long you have to file an asbestos lawsuit. While people in most states have 2-3 years after their diagnosis to file a claim, the deadline in some states is as short as 1 year.

Our asbestos case managers are standing by ready to assist you. Chat now for free — we can connect you to a top asbestos law firm near you if you qualify.

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How Top Asbestos Law Firms Secure Compensation

One of the first things that an asbestos law firm will do when they evaluate your potential case is identify all of the different ways they may be able to pursue compensation for you.

You may be eligible for compensation from multiple sources, like asbestos lawsuits, asbestos trust fund claims, and VA benefits for asbestos diseases.

Learn about the different types of claims asbestos law firms can file below.

Personal Injury Lawsuits

If you’ve been diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease like mesothelioma, an asbestos law firm may be able to file a lawsuit on your behalf and seek compensation to help pay for your medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses.

Wrongful Death Lawsuits

These lawsuits are brought by a spouse or other family member after a loved one has passed away from an asbestos disease. They request compensation for the asbestos victim’s medical bills, pain and suffering, funeral expenses, and the family’s loss of companionship.

Asbestos Trust Funds

After the dangers of asbestos became public knowledge, many asbestos companies declared bankruptcy. The courts ordered them to put money aside to compensate current and future victims. Asbestos trust funds currently contain over $30 billion.

VA Benefits

As the U.S. armed forces used asbestos extensively up until the early 1980s, many veterans developed asbestos-related illnesses. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers various VA benefits to affected veterans and their families.

Contact one of our asbestos case managers right now at (866) 447-8466 to find out more about your legal options.

Examples of Payouts Secured by Asbestos Law Firms

The amount of compensation an asbestos law firm can secure for a client varies. Each case is unique, and overall case values depend on various factors, like the age of the victim, the type of asbestos disease involved, and whether the case settles or goes to trial.

Asbestos lawsuit settlement amounts range between $1 million to $1.4 million on average, while asbestos verdicts typically award between $5 million and $11.4 million.

In some cases though, asbestos law firms are able to secure much more compensation for affected families.

Asbestos settlements and verdicts recovered by our legal partners include:

  • $34 million for an Illinois roofing worker with an asbestos-related cancer
  • $3.9 million on behalf of an engineer from Missouri
  • $3.7 million for an auto mechanic from Minnesota
  • $3 million for a New York maintenance worker with mesothelioma
  • $2.9 million on behalf of a Nevada shipyard worker

An asbestos law firm can review the facts of your potential case and tell you how much it may be worth.

Find out if you can pursue an asbestos settlement during a free case review. It costs nothing to reach out to our team.

Working With an Asbestos Law Firm

Asbestos law firms truly understand the toll that an asbestos-related disease can take on you and your family. For this reason, they will do everything they can to make filing a claim as easy and stress-free as possible, so you can focus on your health and spending time with loved ones.

Here are the basic steps involved in working with an asbestos law firm:

  1. Free case reviews: A case manager will ask you some questions about your illness and history of asbestos exposure, and they can connect you with an asbestos attorney at a top firm if you qualify. You may be able to work with an asbestos law firm even if you’re unsure about where and when you were exposed to asbestos.
  2. Collection of evidence: The law firm will put together a legal team that will collect evidence related to your exposure. You will need to provide information about your work history and military service, if any.
  3. Claim filing: Your team will identify all potential avenues of compensation and file claims for those that you qualify for. Sources of compensation may include asbestos lawsuits, asbestos trust funds, and VA benefits.
  4. Claim payouts: The law firm will keep you updated as your claims move forward through the legal process and let you know about any payouts. In many cases, asbestos victims start receiving compensation in as few as 90 days after contacting an asbestos law firm.
Did you know?

Asbestos law firms can travel to meet with clients or consult with them virtually. This allows victims to pursue compensation without potentially ever leaving home.

Qualities of a Top Asbestos Law Firm

When pursuing an asbestos claim, choosing which law firm to work with is an important decision, as your health and family’s financial future could depend on the results the firm may be able to secure for you.

Here are a few key characteristics to look for in an asbestos law firm.

Free Consultations & No Upfront Fees

You should never have to pay for a consultation about your case. In fact, there should be no upfront costs at all.

Most asbestos law firms handle cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning they get paid by taking a percentage of any compensation they recover for you. If the firm does not secure any compensation, you pay nothing.

Find out if an asbestos law firm may be able to help you during a free, no-obligation consultation.

Individualized Attention

The best asbestos law firms treat clients like family. This includes answering your legal questions quickly, as well as getting help for everything related to your case.

Top law firms have in-house registered nurses who can help patients navigate their diagnosis and relationships with top mesothelioma doctors and cancer centers around the country. These firms can provide the kind of support you need while coping with a serious disease.

Nationwide Reach

Asbestos law firms with offices throughout the country can help clients in all 50 states. They can also file an asbestos lawsuit in the state with the legal system most likely to yield the best outcome.

This may be the state where the asbestos victim lives or was exposed to asbestos, or it could be the state where the asbestos company is based.

Proven Results

It’s essential that the law firm you choose has a team of asbestos lawyers with a long track record of achieving favorable results. You can also ask for testimonials from past clients whom the firm has helped.

Ask any firms you’re considering about the results they’ve achieved for clients with cases similar to yours.

Vast Resources

Asbestos law firms have access to asbestos resources that allow them to build a strong case for their clients. In the process of helping thousands of families get justice, they’ve amassed information that can help them take on powerful asbestos companies and win.

These resources include:

  • Dedicated case investigators
  • Job site databases
  • Respected medical experts
  • Skilled researchers
  • Warehouses of information on asbestos products and manufacturers

The asbestos law firms that works with have all of these qualities and more — plus, they’ve secured over $9.4 billion for families impacted by asbestos. Get a free case review right now to see if they can help your family get the compensation you deserve.

Find an Asbestos Law Firm Near You

Experienced asbestos law firms can help asbestos exposure victims pursue compensation for potentially life-extending medical treatments and other expenses.

At, we can connect you with a top asbestos firm if you qualify.

The firms in our network:

  • Have many years of experience taking on asbestos companies
  • Never charge any upfront or hourly fees
  • Take cases in all 50 states

Find out if a top asbestos law firm can help you get the money you deserve. Call (866) 447-8466 right now or fill out our contact form to speak with a member of our team — for free.

Law Firms Asbestos FAQs

When should I contact an asbestos law firm?

It’s important to contact an asbestos law firm as soon as possible after a diagnosis of an asbestos-related disease like mesothelioma to increase your chances of a successful outcome.

Asbestos lawsuits have deadlines that limit how long you have to take legal action. Once this deadline passes, the firm will no longer be able to file a lawsuit on your behalf and seek financial compensation for your injuries.

Who is responsible for exposure to asbestos?

Companies that manufactured asbestos-containing products from the 1930s to the early 1980s are responsible for exposing millions of Americans to asbestos, a carcinogenic mineral that causes mesothelioma, asbestosis, and other asbestos-related diseases.

Many of these companies knew their products were dangerous, but they hid this information from the public for years to protect their profits.

Asbestos law firms can provide legal help to victims of asbestos exposure and assist them in getting the justice and compensation they deserve.

How much does a top asbestos law firm charge?

Top asbestos law firms do not charge any upfront or hourly fees. Instead, they get paid by taking a percentage of any compensation they secure for an asbestos victim. Clients pay nothing unless the law firm secures compensation for them.

This fee arrangement allows families impacted by asbestos to get the best legal representation possible, regardless of their financial situation.

How do I find the best asbestos law firm? can help eligible asbestos victims connect with some of the top asbestos law firms in the country.

The asbestos law firms in our network:

  • Are staffed by attorneys with decades of experience
  • Have recovered over $9.4 billion for clients
  • Never charge any upfront or hourly fees

Let us help you find the right asbestos law firm for your case. Get a free case evaluation right now to take the first step toward pursuing the compensation and justice you deserve.

Amy Garrett

Fact-Checked and Legally Reviewed: Amy E. GarrettPartner

  • Lawyer
  • Editor

Amy Garrett is a partner at Simmons Hanly Conroy with more than 22 years of litigation experience. Amy has helped the firm secure billions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for clients. Over the past two decades, she has gained a reputation as a litigator who advocates for her asbestos and complex litigation clients both inside and outside the courtroom. Icon

Written by: makes it easier to take legal action. We have information, lawsuit guides, and breaking news about drugs, products, and other issues that could affect you.

  1. American Society of Clinical Oncology. (n.d.). “Mesothelioma.” Retrieved December 12, 2023, from
  2. Mealey’s Asbestos. (2022, September 13). “Asbestos Verdicts & Settlements: January 2021 – December 2021.” Retrieved December 12, 2023, from
  3. Sokolove Law. (2023, December 1). “Mesothelioma Law Firm.” Retrieved December 4, 2023, from
  4. The National Law Review. (2022, August 6). “Law Firm Specialization: Why It Matters.” Retrieved December 12, 2023, from
  5. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). (2023, November 30). “2024 Veterans disability compensation rates.” Retrieved December 12, 2023, from
  6. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). (2023, July 18). “Veterans Asbestos Exposure.” Retrieved December 12, 2023, from
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See If We Can Help You

If you or someone you love has suffered an injury as a result of someone else’s negligence, please complete our form for a free case review. You may be eligible for compensation.

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Find out if you qualify now for free. Call (866) 447-8466

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